
ダバオ留学E&G英語学校4人部屋オープン!フィリピン留学ニュース 2016.3.

newsletter / 2nd week of March, 2016


E&G starts to offer new type of accommodation, QUAD room! 

We are very pleased to inform you that E&G starts to offer new type of accommodation, QUAD ROOM and launch the QUAD ROOM PACKAGE at more affordable prices.
  •  QAUD ROOM is to be shared by 4 students.
  •  English Language Courses included in the QUAD ROOM PACKAGE below can only be combined with the QUAD ROOM accommodation.
  •  Only the prices of QUAD ROOM PACKAGE are in JPY.
  •  Registration fee is JPY 10,000.
  •  The QUAD ROOM PACKAGE is only applicable for the enrollment of 4 weeks or more.
  • NO CHANGE has been made to Tuition and accommodation fees for English Language Courses combined with Single, Twin, or Triple room and the fees are still in USD .

Let's meet E&G's new top student in February. 

Ever since she started studying in E&G, she has been continuously showing the remarkable improvement in her studies (Actually, this is her second time to study English in E&G).
 For this reason, it's no doubt that she topped the monthly E&G evaluation test in February.

Teachers appreciate her effort in enhancing the skills; however, they admire her more for her dedication and perseverance in excelling in her academics.

Since she is entitled to take an official TOEIC test FOR FREE as a reward for being the top student in the Monthly Evaluation Test, she is now planning to take group classes for TOEIC which are open to ESL course students like her as well as TOEIC course students in preparation for the official TOEIC test on Apr. 09. 

She said,

  "I was actually a bit surprised when I saw the result of the test and saw my name at the top of the list. I did my best during the test, but I really didn’t expect that I could top the exam. And this is all because of my teachers who encouraged me and taught me so hard.

  I am so glad to know that I can take an official TOEIC test for free so I’m also thankful to E&G for giving me the chance to take the said exam. Actually, I just graduated from the university and I need to find a job as soon as I go back to my country. And In preparation, I need to have a high TOEIC score. So I think it’s really a good chance for me."

 Academic Calendar in February 
*   March 05: Simulated TOEIC test
*   March 07: Deadline for TOEIC test (L&R) in March
*   March 12: Simulated TOEIC test
*   March 16: Regular classes in the morning / Monthly Evaluation Test in the afternoon
*   March 19: Official TOEIC test (L&R)
*   March 24: Moundy Thursday / Regular Holiday
*   March 25: Good Firday / Regular Holiday
*   March 26: Simulated TOEIC test

2016 Official TOEIC (L/C & R/C) test dates 
*   January 16, 2016 (Sat)
*   February 13, 2016 (Sat)
*   March 19, 2016 (Sat)
*   April 09, 2016 (Sat)
*   May 07, 2016 (Sat)
*   June 04, 2016 (Sat)
*   July 02, 2016 (Sat)
*   August 06, 2016 (Sat)
*   September 03, 2016 (Sat)
*   October 03, 2016 (Sat)
*   November 05, 2016 (Sat)
*   December 03, 2016 (Sat)
* Deadlines for the tests are 2 weeks before the each test date.
* Don't go anywhere else! Since E&G is the Authorized TOEIC Test Center in the Philippines so you can take the official TOEIC in E&G as well!!

Most recent E&G video! 
- The quality of the class is solely dependent upon each teacher's experience and competence.
- Teaching Guide is a means to standardize the classes and improve the standard of the classes.


ILOILO C&C 1カ月フィリピン留学体験談 「英文」


I’ve studied in CNC for 4 weeks and it finished really fast. I really had a happy time during my stay.

Thank you to all my tutors and kind manager.

When I came to CNC, I was worried because 4 weeks was quite a short time for studying.

 But I realized that all would be up to me. I had to give my best.

 So I learned how to study by myself and gained lots of new knowledge and information.

One good thing is that all tutors are very capable. I could have a man to man class with them.

They helped me fix my pronunciation and other English-related problems.

I couldn't experience this in Korea. I studied English almost all the time.

So I don't feel scared of using English.

My English is not perfect yet but I can now express my own opinion.

 My English skills have improved a lot.

I also learned the most important thing and that is being confident with myself.

During my 4-week stay, I have made many unforgettable memories.

Thank you CNC!

ILOILO C&C語学学校キャンペーン情報

留学期間: 2016年2月15日~6月15日、8月15日~12月15日(毎年実施)

【ボラカイ旅行】 2泊3日ボラカイリゾート宿泊券+朝食無料、出発日と部屋はC&Cで指定
・交通費などの諸費用は自己負担 (1人当たり往復約1,000ペソ)

【無料授業】 授業料+宿泊、食事代を無料



バギオPINES(パインス) の学費引き上げ及びキャンペーンについて


フィリピン・バギオ留学PINES(パインス) 英語学校の新着ニュース

BAGUIO PINES(パインス)は、HELP、SMEAGに並ぶフィリピン最大英語学校の1つとして認知されております。バギオ地域のPINES(クイサン校)では、英語初級者~中級者レベルまでを受け入れており、同じ地域にのPINES(チャピス校)では英語中級者~上級者レベルまでの学生を受け入れております。また、PINESの第3キャンパスとして、セブ地域にて開校されたCebu Blue Ocean Academy(CBOA)では、英語初級者~中上級者レベルの学生を短期留学及び中短期留学として主に受け入れて運営されております。









